How to Create Abundance in Your Life Slowly and Consistently and Increase Productivity
July 23, 2022 by admin · Leave a Comment
Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue is a book of wise teachings on how to lead a more meaningful life through mind-body-spirit cultivation.
This is an excerpt from Create Abundance “People can help you become aware, but no one can grow for you. You have to do so on your own.”
Everything in today’s world is fast with people thriving on instant gratification. No one believes that there is a need to wait for anything. However, when everything is so fast and quick there is no time to process and evaluate.
When interacting with people they will be quick to pass judgment and point out your shortcomings. This can bring awareness, but it cannot change anything. Applying these observations to life is the only way that you will grow. This is an area that cannot be rushed and there is no quick fix. There is immense value in slowing down and taking the time to understand what is needed for you to grow.
Growth is a process that is steady and consistent. Being aware will awaken you to the issues and problems that need attention in your life. Once you begin to grow and take responsibility for your life, you will reap the benefits of abundance and be in a position to increase your productivity. Working on your well-being takes time and once you start it is a journey that provides pleasure and creates abundance in all areas.
Zhang Xinyue author of Create Abundance authored this incredible book in 2012. It has been translated from Chinese into many languages and has become an international bestseller. Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue promotes, gives meaning, and finds positive ways to manage the philosophical issues of life.
For more information visit Create Abundance
Millionaires Discuss Their Experiences at Creating Abundance
December 23, 2021 by admin · Leave a Comment
Millionaires are the first to tell you how they had to work hard to get where they are. But their mindset was also a big part of the journey. A successful mindset is positive and full of affirming dialogue. Your vision for the future must be clear. Zhang Xinyue explores this topic in her book, Create Abundance in greater detail.
Making a vision board can help people who aren’t sure what they want. The act of constructing the vision board promotes clarity by exploring photographs and getting clear before deciding which images to place on the board.
Sonia Satra, an actress on Guiding Light and other popular soap operas is very open about how much she loves creating vision boards. She says that she began with a very simple vision board that only had 20 words on and photos on it.
Miss Satra reminds us about keeping it in front of your mind and thoughts constantly. After you’ve finished your board, gaze at it for a few minutes each day to help you remember your goals and the wonderful sensations they elicit.
The people we associate with have a direct impact on our lives and health. Our views, habits, and actions are influenced by the people we spend time with. We will have an easier time creating the life we want and, in turn, giving back to others when we intentionally surround ourselves with others who inspire us.
Many celebrities and millionaires listen to informative podcasts each day. They get the recharge and encouragement they need by listening to successful, entertaining people.
Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue includes this wisdom:
“The more you accept yourself, the more frankly you can treat yourself. Only in this way can you emancipate you from your past experiences, allowing your life to become increasingly open and free.”
3 Ways Business Owners Can Get Funding
October 26, 2021 by admin · Leave a Comment
Though business owners have always been independent thinkers and risk takers, it can be daunting to face each day without the money to properly run your business. According to recent figures, a number of small businesses are still struggling. People are still losing jobs and working harder to try and get by. Economists say this might go on for another year or so.
Whether you have an existing small business or simply a great idea to start a new business, you have probably dealt with a few mainstream banks. You know that they are being very cautious about lending money. The requirements these days are more strict than ever before. But there are still plenty of other great ways to get the money you need for your business. Check out these:
Public funding websites
Friends and family
Personal loans based on your own credit worthiness
Business owners need easy and convenient financing solutions and some will have bad credit. If possible, work with someone who has the experience and the resources to help you get a business loan for a new company or funding for an existing business.
In the book, Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue, the author has many great ideas to help you stop worrying and start believing that you can succeed in life. Zhang Xinyue is a teacher, mentor and spiritual leader who believes we can achieve more simply by changing our way of thinking.
This quote comes from Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue:
“Be grateful to the cosmos for offering us so many good things. I know all this grace is a gift to help us become unwaveringly committed to our goal, a reward to honor our effort to make more people happy.”
How to Get Financing for Your Small Business
August 16, 2021 by admin · Leave a Comment
You may have a great idea for a new business but not be able to get financing for your start-up. This is a problem that many new entrepreneurs face. There are quite a few ways to get financing. You may need to try several of these before you are successful. Remember to be persistent. Don’t give up just because you fail a few times. The Global Spiritualist Association has put together the top 3 ways to get financing for your small business.
Friends and family may wish to help you with your business. If they believe strongly enough in your idea, then they could provide at least part of the financing. Develop a good business plan and share that with your friends and family so they can see how your dream will unfold.
If you are considering a loan from a bank, then you’ll need a strong business plan. Your ability to borrow the necessary capital to finance your dream may depend upon how well prepared you are the day you sit down with your banker.
Crowd funding has become popular because it can work so well. If your idea is amazing, then other people might want to get involved. It’s usually free to place your crowd funding ad but you may have to give the site a percentage of what you get.
Join Us
The Global Spiritualist Association, founded by Zhang Xinyue has so many resources that can help business leaders build their dreams. They are there to teach, mentor and assist. For more information about this organization, please visit their website.
Five Simple Steps to Create Abundance in Your Spiritual Life
July 26, 2021 by admin · Leave a Comment
The article was provided by The Global Spiritualist Association
Wealth has little to do with money! Though it may sound strange, when we see wealthy people with no foundational values, we usually see people who are not happy with their life. Creating abundance in your spirit life should be just as important as financial wealth.
Why It’s Never About the Money
We spend a great amount of time and hard work searching for wealth and this can be a real waste of time for many of us. That’s because in our search for wealth, we can easily lose our focus and forget the things that truly make us wealthy. No matter how much money you have, you need a loving family and supportive group of friends. You need to feel like there’s a purpose for life.
For some people, it takes many years to learn that money can’t bring true happiness. How many rich and famous people have self-destructed? Why weren’t they happy? We’ve had young, good-looking successful entertainers who have committed suicide. It seems like if money would make you happy, then this would never happen.
No matter what it looks like from the outside, wealth is rarely what humans are seeking. What brings the most happiness is a joyful, productive life.
Friends, family and business colleagues go to seminars to try and become wealthier. In almost every case, the individual could find joy in simply volunteering at a local foodbank or children’s hospital. When we give of ourselves, we begin creating abundance in our spirit life.
The Global Spiritualist Association was founded by teacher Zhang Xinyue in the year 1999 with the goal of bringing in the best Spiritual Teachers from various professional fields around the globe. The Global Spiritualists Association is well-known for focusing on creating a platform with international impact to exchange ideas for spiritual growth.